Thursday, 22 January 2015

Beauty from the Mind How to Study Life and the Essence of Learning

The physical form can exude beauty, but personally I am also strongly attracted to a beautiful mind. People have misconceptions, they love to judge. I sit at the shopping centre reading a spiritual book, or intently read a self-help book on the bus, and cannot help but occasionally ponder the thoughts of others.
A male may have a desire for fitness and a gym lifestyle, but does this automatically enforce parameters of ego or a sense of limitation?

Anyone adopting self-actualization behaviour quickly learns the benefits of dismissing approval seeking, so the above is just a mere thought. As fleeting as the stream flows down to the river below.
As Wayne W. Dyer says it is better to be low like that river, at the end of the flow, everything else can empty into it. Remain humble and learn to let go of the look at me notice me, I must be constantly pleased by expecting others to like me. And what others think of me is more important than what I think of myself.
He puts it in terms of the world almost works by the 50/50 please factor. If you can somehow please 50 percent of the people you are doing remarkably well, but the other 50 percent will disagree and express disapproval. Such is life, and in a way such is the beauty of life, it would be monotonous if everyone was created the same, and we all exhibited the same behaviours, actions, desire and purpose.

I love the work and mind of Leo from in particular, I wanted to learn how to apply the ability of studying to my current life, and maximise it. It's a different ballgame at 38 years of age than when I was 16 and at college. A much better one I can tell you.
I loved his strong emphasis on the concept of intrinsic motivation. When it is sourced from within you, from inside. The "Growth mindset". As opposed to the "Fixed mindset". The fixed mindset I once owned, and many do, says I am not as smart as others. I am not as good as others. My ability to learn is held back by a lack of intellect or IQ, Or a brain that was half demolished by the excess of teenage spirit has no capacity to learn anything new. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

He explains that just knowing some trivial facts will not serve you a great deal of purpose in life.
Understanding life is the key. Life is fascinating, observing it with the senses and applying it with the mind. Dissecting and analysing it. This is the foundation of all study. Every great mind in history has been generally curious and fascinated by more than one ideal. Get in touch with the fact life is deeply fascinating.

Here is the video that gave me some great insight, I hope it helps you.

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