Friday, 6 March 2015

The Heart and Mind Seed All Motivation and Success Growth

I would like to personally share some thoughts on a subject close to my heart. The heart, physically and spiritually is driven by motivation in many aspects. You must have some sort of desire to accomplish something regardless of what you do, or you would not be breathing. I can express from my own experience, we are all equal we all breathe; we are driven to do things in life on a level that rebounds back to this concept. I will include two powerful YouTube videos of great resource to emphasise my succinct points.

I am reading and sourcing many different books at the moment. I will mention the following - Number one was the book Sally Pearson - Believe. An inspirational story of aiming high. I will get back to this book later it is important to the entire blog. 

Search Inside Yourself - Chade-Meng Tan - Increase productivity, creativity and happiness. This book is one of the best I have ever enjoyed reading. The references to Zen and mindfulness Meditation, the inner mind in a business and personal development angle from a Google engineer. He has met the President and pretty much every successful; highly influential person on the earth. 

Survival To Success by Allan Mason - How to play the game of life and win. This book has themes just like the above, using mind and personal development; spiritual and meditation resources to reach goals.

EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey - 20 years of practical business wisdom from the trenches. 
Seven Years with Banksy - Robert Clarke.
You Can Heal Your Heart by Louise L. Hay and David Kessler.
Psyche's Yearning by Dr. Gillian Ross.
You'll See It When You Believe It by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Manifest Your Destiny by Wayne W. Dyer. The nine spiritual principles for getting everything you want. 

A few others are also thrown into the mix, including audio, I will listen to highly successful speakers talk from various recordings at certain times. I love to listen to Wayne W. Dyer audio late at night, and gain wisdom when out walking with earphones in. Sometimes whilst making breakfast I listen and absorb motivational audio and self growth. I like to view my mind as a cauldron and throw all kinds of knowledge into the brew and develop a taste or something that will create my own recipe for life. I feel that using only one ingredient when cooking makes for a rather dull, bland and tasteless dish.

The book by Dave Ramsey on EntreLeadership really struck me a few days ago with one simple snippet of wisdom. Making mistakes is the critical tool needed in order to thrive and grow. You need to learn from them in order to develop any skills in life. Dave points out, learning from the mistakes of other's is much less painful. This resonated powerfully with my own experience, and no doubt with all of us. I myself from personal history know how I can relate to bad decisions or unwise choices from an early age. He mentions how Henry Ford once said, "Those who never make mistakes work for those of us who do."

I personally learn and draw much from a friend of mine. Danielle McDonald. She has built her career on helping and advising others how to succeed in all facets of life. My move to Twitter as a new social media platform a few months ago was prompted by our mate-ship and it leads me to the next subject. When you have great leaders you can learn from, who have walked the walk and talked the talk, and share to others what they sourced growth from; you are much wiser.

Sally Pearson, the champion Australian Olympian athlete. I was in a book store and decided to buy her book. The main reason was that I had learned about her in a Motivational and How To Succeed course recently. The teacher was relating a story of how you must believe in something in order to reach it. What you wish for, what you work for, what you desire you will reap. He told us a story along the lines of this - at an event, the media was interviewing two athletes. One was unnamed. The other was Sally. The first was asked how it felt to be at the games, and what her personal goal was. She replied she was most pleased to be here and her goal was to make the final. Sally entered the zone. I say THE ZONE, You can instinctively tell this woman is not there to play candy crush saga. She does not play for the media and dance around like it's 1999. (The Musician - Prince reference gentle sarcasm). She stated she had worked hard to get here and her goal was Gold. 
The first made the final. Goal reached. Sally made her ultimate goal. She will be remembered for the duration of history as a champion... the other athlete perhaps did not have that true motivational mindset at the time.

I believe what you do needs to drive passion in you. You need to want it so badly. Like the motivational people famously say As bad as you want to Breathe. Also, you must love what you do. If you do not enjoy something you will rarely sustain it for a long period of time. You need to wake up on a winter's morning, like I did all through the toughest most defining part of my year of a huge goal... and rather than think, I do not quite feel like doing it. Force it. I got myself to that gym and rarely miss a workout or strength session, only by sickness or recently deeper career focus. Like Arnold said in a video I watched recently and the great Bob Proctor touches on this strongly too... you can ask someone what their goals are, and you can gain a good understanding of the level of commitment they reflect. If they beam the right source of light you know they are destined. If they project what I love to call the Kind of Sorta Try attitude - I kind of sorta want it. I want to kind of sorta try and put the effort in. I might go 90 percent, but in some regards I will slacken off the other ten percent at times I need it most. I meet people like this in my fitness pursuit. They are willing and wanting to change or to set a high goal, but they will never go that extra mile. They get weary. They fall back, and in some cases cannot perform at the front of the pack. I have always found if you want something badly in life Go ALL OUT to get it. I love how Arnold Schwarzenegger used his initial gym based mindset in order to apply the same dedication to his future pursuit of Acting, and to make it as Governor of California. This truly reflects a drive that many do not have to succeed at everything you put your mind to. I might add that Arnold was using Meditation and Visualisation mind awareness tools in the 1970s and 1980s ... never assume anything from looking at someone. You can work your body, but you can work your mind even harder. Some people tend to forget that. 

The need to work the mind hard is the most important aspect to motivation and success. You need to get in that ZONE. This brings me back to Sally Pearson to finish the blog. Please watch this video, this is the Gold winning event at the London Olympic games in 2012. Observe a few things I personally picked up on. She is seated at first in the beginning. She is almost like this robot. She is not there to act, she is there to Perform. Look at the intensity in her demeanour. She has the WILL, She has the Desire. The Focus. The Belief. 
I believe she says to herself as you can see in the video Fast Start. Strong Start
She also used Keep It Together. 
Her heart was already racing and it certainly didn't help, the Olympic games organisers for unknown reasons decided to echo mega-loud heartbeats through loudspeakers in the stadium - right up until the starter called 'Set'.

History was made, through pure dedication to aiming high and believing in oneself.
I could not embed this YouTube Olympic video due to restrictions, so here is the link

Here is one of the greatest thinkers and minds of all time - Bob Proctor:

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