When I was 14, I was shaken but not stirred. I began to awaken the creative beast, born from pain.
The animal within was writhing in such agony and turmoil, it had no choice but to lash out.
It did not intend harm, but the animal can threaten, and intimidate the enemy, all around it, and hunt the prey down for the kill. It can search and destroy at night, or during the day.
The animal spirit is for the good - although in the wild, the laws of the natural world appear to some, to be misunderstood.
NFR was a concept I created in the inner depths my artistic pursuit. It was my reaction to the world, that in my mind had fucked me over.
Any teenager that has had his mother endure Rape - and almost murdered, and has every obstacle placed in the path ahead, from the moment of birth has some entitlement to resentment.
Any kid who feels on the outside, and gets beaten from the inside, and outside, reacts.
Any child who is taught from every person they come into contact with, that opinions and morals projected from them, matter more to shaping the future. The simple ideology of being unique, or setting a dream of using the imagination - is not a vision of success taught by the teachers of life.
NFR was a graffiti crew I started in 1992, it still has active members to this day - making it the longest running serving graffiti group ever to embrace our city.
I believed in having NO FUCKING RESPECT - for the rules that broke my dreams, the rules of others that enforced sadness, guilt, sorrow or pain over LOVE.
You may THINK you have the RIGHT to stop someone, or to say someone has no right to act in a way that conflicts with what YOU believe in.
I gave up Graffiti at age 16, largely in part to one act of gratitude by the people of whom some I was rebelling against.
I was never caught, charged nor arrested at ANY stage. I have No criminal record.
I was being admitted to Psych one cold winter night in 1993, my life had pretty much ended - I had done such extreme drug use my mind collapsed - Lsd and lesser substances had taken the Syd Barret effect, turned the creative animal in me, to a crippled, cage-bound restricted emotional wreck.
I was being driven to the hospital in the back of a police car - who I must say acted with such dignity and concern for my welfare. Perhaps if they knew the above secret the officers, male and female; may not have allowed me a simple act - I was so terrified and in turmoil an officer said I could light a cigarette in the backseat and smoke, whilst driving along the highway.
This broke the rules - but in my mind at that time the rules that perhaps are most worthy of breaking. The act of allowing someone else's life to be better, rather than concern yourself with the rules enforced to make you a robot.
We are slaves in a manner, to judgement, to opinions - to the resentment, hate and violence inflicted by a society or world that encourages limits.
I have, always will have, and forever more NO FUCKING RESPECT for this.
The graffiti element is out of my hands - that was taken away from me by other forces - so please I do not want you jumping up and down blaming me for any past, current or future property damage. I do not hold any desire for breaking any laws these days. In fact - that teenager gave up smoking, gave up ALL drugs, Resentment and started to live in solitude. And slowly recover. It has taken over 22 years for this to emerge or evolve fully.
But my principle stands. Deal with it.
If you cannot respect yourself, and love yourself in order to respect others - I have simply:
NO FUCKING RESPECT for that. But I accept it. I accept ALL, regardless of what you do, how you act, what you have done or do, in any manner that used to once conflict with my own standards or enforced belief system. I judge you not for anything. Sadly, not many reflect this in return.
the video below the NFR image is a main motivating force that summarises many of my shared ideals these days. It was made by Mateusz M, the man is one awakened enlightened mind. Look up his videos on YouTube, powerful motivation.
The concept of NFR has been reborn on the day I took the photo below the video. The concept is the ideals or visions I stand beside. Not in the sense of encouraging any property damage whatsoever - but mentally. Mental strength.
You must learn to look within, and start to THINK, question Yourself, and Respect Yourself.
If you do not - you're the robot or puppet that moves along this world with the other 99 % of the robots and pulled-stringed puppets.
The mind is one, the act of the manner in which you treat others, the world around you, the people, animals, all life forms and energy.
UNIVERSE - Uni - (one) Verse (Song) We are supposed to sing as One, yes we all have different melodies and create frequency or songs that differ, but the one song is not being made or heard as intended. This was a great concept I learned from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - an internationally known and respected man of knowledge and inner mental strength, depth and thought.
You know what it is - THINK. Learn. Open your mind to it.
Break that robot mindset.
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