I would love to include some very brief thoughts and a wonderful link to a great YouTube Video by the leading motivational Mateusz M.
Yet again the unknown forces make me jump from bed at 2:52am to share some thoughts, but it needs to be quick because I have an Upper Body Strength intense workout I intend to relish later this morning.
I can tell you some things that help sustain it are consistency and witnessing the results of dedication and hard work, in the gym this has applied to me and my life most of all.
I am pushing this ethic into my career focus now with the same intensity.
Keep at it keep pushing forward never quit, remain focused, treat any failures or setbacks as a positive waiting to bounce from the negative, in other words, turn bad into good. If you get a door closing in your face, rather than get upset and get a lack of desire about this - look at it as a chance for something greater to unfold - and the next door might open a realm of something bigger than you can ever imagine... for if you lose hope and a burning ambition or desire to succeed at anything in life it can suck the motivation right out of you; in the instant you choose to remain seated on that comfortable chair rather than getting your glutes up and off into the world to make it happen.
I do not know for myself personally what causes the drive I found this year, it makes me get up at 5am or 5:30am every single morning with sharp focus and intense burning desire to make the goals in my life a reality, or at least march closer toward them each day.
If I truly knew what triggered this for me, I would have a billion dollar secret that I could sell to the world, sadly I cannot and do not have the capacity yet to share much insight on how to capture it.
I will personally add my thoughts so you understand the concept;
Not the physical heart but the Heart. It has character it has the foundations that create your entire vision and sense of true purpose and self. It allows you the ability to want to do something, how you do it, and how you intend to share it with yourself before giving the gift to others. If someone says you have a huge heart in life this can be taken as a great compliment.
I love the following quote by Marianne Williamson I think it might also give us some of the answers I am saying above I do not know, just by the general theory it embraces:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you...
we are all meant to shine.
lastly enjoy this video!
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