In this blog I will explain some thoughts on what helps drives motivation and include a great video for motivation by the legendary YouTube Mateusz M - I love how the use of movie audio is used so effectively with visuals to help force inspiration... and this video features gym imagery and a body building success theme. And lastly, a certain song, a nice Live version so you can enjoy some visuals of a grinding heavy tune that sends me BEAST everytime, without fail... stick with this song until the end it may get tedious at times but it just builds and builds into a triumph.
In the gym, or rather before the gym, get into the right mindset. If you walk through those doors with a poor attitude or a lack of desire, it can affect your reps, your pump and your performance.
If you believe oh I am not up to this, or the fact a neighbour woke you up at 3am and you are in a foul mood and just want to consider skipping the workout - think again, this time try and think of the feel good endorphins and the afterburn that will await you and the mood shift turn-around. If you tell me you have never experienced this I strongly believe you are not into fitness at all and you are a person that sits on the sofa drinking beer, eating salt & vinegar chips and watching too much TV. (I speak from experience do not take that as sarcasm.)
When you get there, again apply the mindset, I will include a motivational picture by Gregg Avedon a huge inspirational leader to me - check him out on Twitter @GreggAvedon he is author of a book titled Muscle Chow - that book opened my world to nutritional delights and he has thanked me on Twitter for the praise and followed me back - (Respect!), the picture just has him sitting with the mindset of a true beast - you can see in his eyes and mind the insane level of discipline dedication and devotion it takes to succeed. (You said I could share it on Google Plus Gregg I hope this blog is okay - let me know if it isn't I will kindly take it down straight away!)
Perhaps use the power like I do sometimes of motivational audio to get you in the mood, put the earphones in and have that pre-workout shake/snack get changed if need be and start the process. Do your warm up with energy and start to focus and as for the motivational audio Rip some of those YouTube videos to mp3 (there is a site that will do this.)
At the gym earphones are thought to say DO NOT TALK TO ME, some go as far to think HE IS ARROGANT - rubbish, you want to talk to me you can bloody WAIT. Approach me when I take them out at the end when stretching or at the water fountain or when I am having post shakes and supps or eating my post workout snack. I am not up for chit-chat during intense strength and neither should anyone else be.
Music can drive you, for me I get in this crazy zone where it almost becomes a background thing, NO thoughts enter my mind, of that girlfriend I do not have currently have or that neighbour, nothing seems to infiltrate it - no worrying just the form and reps and sets, like a beast driven to chase down a predator I have that eye of the tiger!
So that is some quick advice and my thoughts, and apply music at any time after all MUSIC IS LIFE - you can think of a tune that reminds you and triggers memories of a time many years ago - powerful, very powerful. Use it in a positive manner and even if you are angry - I used to throw on some Slayer when angry and some Leonard Cohen or Tindersticks perhaps Jeff Buckley, Art Garfunkel when emotional. Or some Lionel Richie or soppy cheesy love songs when that female drops into my life. Anything that gets you through the day. Some Trent Reznor Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soundtrack background music is great for me late at night when reading or in shut down mode.
enjoy the motivation video and below it the beast song Queens Of The Stone Age - Song For The Dead Live @ BDO 2003
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