Just wanted to share some thoughts this morning, free style. On that note, I saw a beat boxer in the city last week, doing his thing. He no doubt draws some interesting thoughts and makes certain impressions on the people walking past - But you know what? He is loving his Passion - he has love and a skill so leave him be. If you judge anyone for something they love to do, it is not a reflection on the foolishness of what they do; but a mirrored reflection of the person you are. You are projecting things within yourself and creating a judgement from You - Not from their behaviour. If you need to forgive someone in life - you must have judged in order to want it.
On this note, Wayne W. Dyer and Louise L. Hay speak of forgiveness, my dear Mother when I discussed the concept - her first blurted question was I CANNOT FORGIVE anyone who has hurt me AND ALLOW THEM BACK INTO MY LIFE!!!
No worries - You are actually better off without them in your life - they are a negative energy but what you need to address is to forgive them in your heart and mind, and let go of the pain. Holding onto that pain, is like Wayne describes as the snake bite - You can say Yes the snake bit me, I recognise this, but I will not allow the venom to slowly eat away at me and poison me until death.
I know from experience, hell we ALL DO, just how toxic and unbearable that venom can be.
Think of the ex-partner you turned against, the friend who shafted you, the co-worker who spreads lies or gossips about you - the friend who talks shit behind your back - and smiles with the grace of God when they walk up to you, like butter would not melt in their mouth?
I laughed so hard when Wayne says these people can be in your life and stick around just like those stubborn turds THAT REFUSE TO FLUSH. No Matter how many times you flush the toilet they seem to re-appear or just refuse to allow the plumbing system to work it's magic!!
I can hear you say you cannot possibly forgive someone who has hurt you so badly, a man talked about wanting to go and urinate on his Father's Grave - Wayne simply answered that yes he felt the same at a point, and then made the emphasis that perhaps learn to change your thought process on why this person came into your life - was this person actually in some strange way, sent as a teacher to draw you toward becoming a better You. To help direct you on your path?
You can look at the negative expressions from EVERYONE in your life as a lesson. Something you can learn from. I have a particularly bad nasty neighbour, I have discussed her briefly before, but now I have learned to accept who she is, and understand in a way the reasons she acts like she does. Rather than want to murder her or allow her to cause me such agony in emotions and feelings, I now think of her on a totally different level. I send her love in my mind rather than invest in the venom or hate - I will bless her in my mind the next time she starts to hurl abuse and physically threaten or challenge me. I will walk away and not respond, rather than add a bucket load of fuel to the fire that has exploded many times in the past - and I must add TO NO BENEFIT.
I made this observation and had a thought about the scenario with my neighbour - I am walking from my Mother's Unit to my Unit and suddenly, once upon a time I used to assume she had a Happiness "radar", she appears and starts screaming her abuse - first reaction - ignore bless her go into my unit - yes I will feel shocked and slightly perturbed... but I have the strength of mind to deal with it. Second scenario - I answer back, with a reply I think will somehow make her see my point of view, or to shake her into seeing my perspective - To a person most unwell and out of control - dangerous. She will react like I just threw fuel on her and erupt, threaten to smash my windows or kill me and that sort of thing. How do I then go into my unit feeling? If it got real bad, and the police attended like they have in the past, this just consumes the negative energy into a sickness. The memory of going to court and applying for a restraining order to cease her constant attacks is not a memory I reflect upon as joyful. I used to feel quite drained and I was physically making myself sick a year ago on this venom. It nearly killed me.
I have found a calmness, a gentle sense of peace in my mind. I have let go of all the people I used to hold so negatively with containers of snake venom. To prove this, I watched a video by Leo from Actualized.org recently, he asked us to write down a list of all the people in your life - you currently despise hate or have strong judgement towards. He said pause the video, go write the list, and return.
I did. I had the pen and paper in my hands for over five minutes.
The names failed to flow. I tried to rack my brain. Nobody.
Food for thought?
Just so you know, you can get a plumber to clear those blockages and allow those turds to flush, the plumber is free - you do not have pay someone. Look at investing in the services of a person who can expertly help you - where do you find them? Who are they? Go walk into your bathroom, gaze into the mirror - who do you see? The ONLY person for the job - and most capable - they may not have the skills yet but they can learn as well as any tradesman how to do a quality job. They will have the plumbing in pure FLOW.
I do not intend or want you to discuss why you cannot apply the above, or the event or person that prevents you - just simply read this and you need not apply anything in life. But I can tell you, you can shout and scream the above is not feasible - and I will answer with the Dyer quote If You Change the Way You Look at Things - the things you look at Change.
Lastly a song - a dark dark song - we are not all into the light at certain points in our lives and I personally do not believe in shutting myself away from listening to music some consider as dark brooding - or even dangerous to positive energy - it is how you feel in your mind when you listen to music. I used to put on Slayer or some death metal when I had bad anger and mood issues a year ago... I rarely listen to it for that reason anymore. In fact I do not listen for that reason - that is almost putting the welcome mat at your feet to the anger and mood to rub it's feet and come inside, and sit down for a glass of Red. Spend the whole evening in your bed. Wake up beside you and smile as you regret the night before. You danced and entertained a most stinky turd. Flush them.
This song is by Sparklehorse and Danger Mouse - Dark Night Of The Soul. Let me know if the video ever gets taken down I will edit and replace it so the video is not dead.
R.I.P. Mark Linkous (AKA Sparklehorse) I truly wish you had found peace on earth whilst you graced us with your talent, showered in pain and hurt. You will leave a legacy of great creativity for the future generations to reflect upon. Bless You. Love You.
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