Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Using Motivation and Music to Unleash the Beast at The Gym or In Life

In this blog I will explain some thoughts on what helps drives motivation and include a great video for motivation by the legendary YouTube Mateusz M - I love how the use of movie audio is used so effectively with visuals to help force inspiration... and this video features gym imagery and a body building success theme. And lastly, a certain song, a nice Live version so you can enjoy some visuals of a grinding heavy tune that sends me BEAST everytime, without fail... stick with this song until the end it may get tedious at times but it just builds and builds into a triumph.

In the gym, or rather before the gym, get into the right mindset. If you walk through those doors with a poor attitude or a lack of desire, it can affect your reps, your pump and your performance.
If you believe oh I am not up to this,  or the fact a neighbour woke you up at 3am and you are in a foul mood and just want to consider skipping the workout - think again, this time try and think of the feel good endorphins and the afterburn that will await you and the mood shift turn-around. If you tell me you have never experienced this I strongly believe you are not into fitness at all and you are a person that sits on the sofa drinking beer, eating salt & vinegar chips and watching too much TV. (I speak from experience do not take that as sarcasm.)

When you get there, again apply the mindset, I will include a motivational picture by Gregg Avedon a huge inspirational leader to me - check him out on Twitter @GreggAvedon he is author of a book titled Muscle Chow - that book opened my world to nutritional delights and he has thanked me on Twitter for the praise and followed me back - (Respect!), the picture just has him sitting with the mindset of a true beast - you can see in his eyes and mind the insane level of discipline dedication and devotion it takes to succeed. (You said I could share it on Google Plus Gregg I hope this blog is okay - let me know if it isn't I will kindly take it down straight away!)

Perhaps use the power like I do sometimes of motivational audio to get you in the mood, put the earphones in and have that pre-workout shake/snack get changed if need be and start the process. Do your warm up with energy and start to focus and as for the motivational audio Rip some of those YouTube videos to mp3 (there is a site that will do this.)

At the gym earphones are thought to say DO NOT TALK TO ME, some go as far to think HE IS ARROGANT - rubbish, you want to talk to me you can bloody WAIT. Approach me when I take them out at the end when stretching or at the water fountain or when I am having post shakes and supps or eating my post workout snack. I am not up for chit-chat during intense strength and neither should anyone else be.

Music can drive you, for me I get in this crazy zone where it almost becomes a background thing, NO thoughts enter my mind, of that girlfriend I do not have currently have or that neighbour, nothing seems to infiltrate it - no worrying just the form and reps and sets, like a beast driven to chase down a predator I have that eye of the tiger!

So that is some quick advice and my thoughts, and apply music at any time after all MUSIC IS LIFE - you can think of a tune that reminds you and triggers memories of a time many years ago - powerful, very powerful. Use it in a positive manner and even if you are angry - I used to throw on some Slayer when angry and some Leonard Cohen or Tindersticks perhaps Jeff Buckley, Art Garfunkel when emotional. Or some Lionel Richie or soppy cheesy love songs when that female drops into my life. Anything that gets you through the day. Some Trent Reznor Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soundtrack background music is great for me late at night when reading or in shut down mode.

enjoy the motivation video and below it the beast song Queens Of The Stone Age - Song For The Dead Live @ BDO 2003

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Motivation and Desire

Motivation and Desire - two powerful key elements essential for success in life.
I would love to include some very brief thoughts and a wonderful link to a great YouTube Video by the leading motivational Mateusz M.
Yet again the unknown forces make me jump from bed at 2:52am to share some thoughts, but it needs to be quick because I have an Upper Body Strength intense workout I intend to relish later this morning.

I can tell you some things that help sustain it are consistency and witnessing the results of dedication and hard work, in the gym this has applied to me and my life most of all.
I am pushing this ethic into my career focus now with the same intensity.
Keep at it keep pushing forward never quit, remain focused, treat any failures or setbacks as a positive waiting to bounce from the negative, in other words, turn bad into good. If you get a door closing in your face, rather than get upset and get a lack of desire about this - look at it as a chance for something greater to unfold - and the next door might open a realm of something bigger than you can ever imagine... for if you lose hope and a burning ambition or desire to succeed at anything in life it can suck the motivation right out of you; in the instant you choose to remain seated on that comfortable chair rather than getting your glutes up and off into the world to make it happen.
I do not know for myself personally what causes the drive I found this year, it makes me get up at 5am or 5:30am every single morning with sharp focus and intense burning desire to make the goals in my life a reality, or at least march closer toward them each day.
If I truly knew what triggered this for me, I would have a billion dollar secret that I could sell to the world, sadly I cannot and do not have the capacity yet to share much insight on how to capture it.

Indeed most of it if not all of it is a true Mindset. Not the actions but the mind that creates the desire for the actions to happen. Your brain is constantly working on your actions without you even knowing it most of the time, when you pick up that toothbrush your mind tells your body to do it. You do not just flow on auto pilot the mind dictates it all, but a great lesson I recently learned from reading the work of  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is not that in a person the mind or brain is the greatest, single most powerful element, if you become truly spiritually enlightened he says you will know the heart controls a person more than anything.
I will personally add my thoughts so you understand the concept;

Not the physical heart but the Heart. It has character it has the foundations that create your entire vision and sense of true purpose and self. It allows you the ability to want to do something, how you do it, and how you intend to share it with yourself before giving the gift to others. If someone says you have a huge heart in life this can be taken as a great compliment.

I love the following quote by Marianne Williamson I think it might also give us some of the answers I am saying above I do not know, just by the general theory it embraces:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you...
we are all meant to shine.

lastly enjoy this video!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Self-Confidence is the Essential Building Block For Mental Strength

Note: Reposted I needed to remove all references to a copyrighted book I promoted and quoted from in the original. I have also greatly shortened the length and made the content better, and more focused and concise, I also removed an image of a brand of Protein Supplement from my shaker bottle photo and added a new photo which does not breach any trademarks or advertising.

I find in life many people lack self-confidence and this blog post explains some of the science behind what can build it, what causes it, and how I personally feel that this skill is the one basic reason many people do not reach their potential in all aspects of life.
I came from a place not so long ago that stripped my self-confidence and self-esteem to the bare bone, but it is not a skill that is dictated by your childhood or forced upon you, it can be acquired and changed at any point in life. Life is not a river that always flows in a certain set path, if you want change - you must believe always in your heart it is possible. Persistence allows water to carve through rock, so if you feel that canyon is preventing you and that flow - consider this an illusion.

Everyone has the capacity of lacking confidence. Even the strongest people are not impervious to the knocks and doubts. Do not believe for a moment that any true champion is a beacon of self-confidence and self-esteem. I can tell you now in their darkest hour they are not infallible.
The driving force behind every mind is the constant hum of the motor and it can falter and stall and stop, at any point, for me personally this can occur at any minute of the day, but the strength to reignite it is a skill you can learn to apply like a trusted mechanic - you trust in yourself you have the ability and capability to fix things.
What are some of the negative effects of a lack of this skill?

The general thought process is what many people think and live by on a day to day mindset: I cannot do it, I will never be good enough, I am not entirely sure I can even handle this. Other people are much better at what they do, and I seem to fail at everything. I have a tough time deciding or trying to make decisions in life.
It can cause feelings like Anger, Resentment and causes anxiety, and allows the worrying process to be further complicated. It increases the behaviour patterns such as: Being withdrawn, not confident enough to make suggestions or to be assertive, keeping yourself in your comfort zone. A fear of the unknown and trying your best to avoid this feeling at all costs by continuing to limit yourself, your mind and ability.
You would not be comfortable looking a person in the eyes directly when you engage in conversation, and when you walk posture is poor, perhaps you excessively sweat and fumble, always feeling tired from the energy you exude on all of the above.
You fail to give any impression to anyone you have confidence, and in a job interview for example, this can lead to life halting many opportunities.  In relationships, if you are so substantially weaker than your dominant confident partner I have read that this is also bound for potential failure as well.
If you cannot gain confidence in yourself you will find it harder to gain friends.

I think the above paints the picture of a work of art that has the potential to be created into a masterpiece but for the moment in hangs in an empty gallery waiting to be seen...
What are the basic steps to build it? 

Some of the simple rules are as follows - practice will lead to confidence. Learning and developing skills and gaining confidence from this process.
Mistakes are inevitable and unavoidable they are a critical aspect of learning.
Try to learn to laugh about them with others who have found themselves in the same situation... think about how many YouTube videos you have watched about people talking about things you can relate to - and sometimes the mistakes we make are made by so many others.
I try to apply the wisdom of a great friend Dr. Gillian Ross the wellbeing expert when she says simply: Be gentle on yourself.  
When your life is stuck in a place you feel is not the best it can be, who do you turn to?
Do you ask anyone for help? Who should you seek to help you find the answers? The answer might surprise you - get a mirror, look at the reflection, and who do you see?
Yourself. Look within. To nobody else. And practice makes perfect:

Samuel Beckett said it for us "No matter. try again. Fail again. Fail better." 

I have applied the above to EVERY element of my new life, including Fitness, the Gym and my mind and general growth toward reaching every single goal I set myself.

The strength gained from change and self-confidence can build empires. 
and it can come from those who have been knocked to the canvas over and over all through life and childhood, into adulthood.
true champions are born from pain, and find a way to push through this to rise above the hurt and say I can! I will! 

I will leave you with the wall quote of the Gym I am a member at:  I think this summarizes the above in a more succinct manner.
— 'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.'
 Mahatma Gandhi 

Improve the Body the Mind Follows

Just one year ago I had no idea this person would be sitting here typing this. The person a year ago was a different version of myself, both in mind and in body, and in spirit.
He was fragmented, unhappy, lacked desire and heart, was trapped by a prison of self doubt loathing and dictated to; every minute of every day, by the fear of anxiety and consumed by worrying and negative thought patterns.

Just what on earth changed you may ask?
What could possibly turn a man at 37 years of age who was capable of getting upset by a negative remark from a stranger, into stewing on it emotionally, or who tortured himself for many years by allowing a particularly nasty neighbour to control his life by dominating the weakness factor?  (So much so he took her to court and applied for a Restraint order.)

If I recall this time last year, I just mentioned that fact because I was terrified of that person and the amount of stress and anxiety I allowed the situation to inflict on me physically as much as mentally.
Back to the old me he was vomiting and killing himself by obsessing about that person and what she was doing to him and to everyone around him.  It was taking such a bad toll.
If there was a measurement for Cortisol levels during the past few years, with the amount of police call outs from all the neighbours on his block, that cortisol level reading would have blown the scales.

He was also controlled by the worrying factor.  He laughs when he can think back many years ago, being directly told by two special people He needed to stop worrying!!!
Why on earth would he now laugh of this in retrospect?
Because at the time he was in denial.  He strongly argued to the people who suggested this, that the mere suggestion was false and that he did not worry.  He had no issues in his mind.
He did learn and grow to know a week or a month later they indeed had valid points, but it took those people to tell him to ask himself deep inside - what makes him the person he is? 
who does he want to be? Is he truly happy? is life all it can be?

I want to keep this short so I will explain the turn-around briefly and in short.
The things that lead to his turn around essentially came from one decision.
It was the decision to adopt a new way of thinking or rather a concept he had not considered:


The eventual end result of the person typing this came from wanting to change, sticking to it through thick and thin - through dedication, discipline, and loving every second of the journey.
The person you read this from now is most happy to inform you he has the warrior proofed mind and body that he never thought in his wildest dreams he would ever be possible of attaining or manifesting.

He no longer cares what others think of him, that neighbour is still right next door but he gained the strength to dismiss her attacks - and learned what makes a person or mind behave like hers.
He is so happy some days he feels he is on cloud nine.  The anxiety was cured 100 percent he has not endured any symptoms or an episode since the end of winter early spring 2013.

The medication for reflux and heartburn ceased and the vomiting no longer an issue. The meds for the anxiety no longer prescribed and he has a life he always dreamed of. He went from sick and unhealthy and obese by BMI standards to super fit and strong and he cured himself of all health issues including high cholesterol and liver function issues, astigmatism was reversed in his vision and he now plans to give back to others what this change gave back to him.

It is great to understand yourself first, then to read and learn about the inner workings of the mind, in order to gain an understanding of what makes other people behave the way they do.

Improve the body the mind follows.

This picture is a striking face comparison of the time I was feeding my body toxic foods and feelings and only a few months later the difference when I started to love it and myself instead.

I speak of him in the first, second and third person in this for the reason being, I am now in little doubt I am in charge of my future and destiny and to illustrate the fact I am in charge of my life. He was not. That person was not, he was lost and confused.
Goodbye old me!

If you want to enjoy my journey or even if want to allow my healing to help you - follow or promote this and or the mission I am now on - Not for profit.  I help others because I care. I am not driven by any goal of making money from this, I do not sell or offer anything but messages of hope and inspiration.  (Although personally locally I am seeking work in a gym this year to apply the skills I feel I am strongest at.) I love the feeling of what being positive to others does in return and I love gratitude I want to live each day as if it were the last and inspire some people along the way if I can.

Namaste, love and light -

Thursday, 25 December 2014

True Inspiration When A Champion Inspires a Vision to Greatness

When you were young do you remember your role models?
Do you recall your heroes?
I remember watching Arnold and Stallone in Hollywood movies that thrilled me - Not because of the physique back then but they represented to me, as a boy, everything that represented strength in a man.  I had no desire or thoughts of oneday turning to the gym but I respected them nonetheless as true inspirational men to lean a vision or dream upon.  This is an important lesson of growing up - you dedicate so much of your time to fantasy or visualisation because it is the magic of that time.

You know the little girl who plays with dolls and thinks about all the wonderful female role models she admires and the men who are strong that reflect her Father, that deep sense of love and respect that is drawn from a girl's most powerful male influence at that age?
And for boys the same ideals but also the love for their Mother and the strong female respect and love we feel and want to look toward others to help guide and direct, and most critically shape us as we evolve into adolescence and adulthood. 
This wonderful dreamy time of our youth the magic of it has the immense brutal force to dictate our entire future, how we define ourselves, how we define others, in fact even how we treat ourselves and others.  Sometimes the things we pursue and do are cast in the shadow of youth.

Well this leads me to my current blog we continue to respect people all through our lives until we die. We should never hold them at that high status and expect such demanding purity or values of them in later life and we should remain individuals and never try to model ourselves on anyone else but our own unique self. 

I was told to get a picture of a physique I wanted to work toward once - and I refuse this concept outright - how can that even work in my opinion?  Our bodies are not created equal - if I put a picture of Hugh Jackman on my mirror of my exercise room, can I ever expect to resemble his physique?  No way - the basic understanding of anatomy and the way muscles develop for each person rules this out as pure rubbish.  If you truly need a hero just look at that person in the mirror each day working their glutes off and sweating buckets to reach their goals, for that reflection you see is all you need for inspiration, and when the progress shots start to show this is the motivational factor.

This brings me to the point of the blog - I was in a place in the infancy of my journey of fitness and strength, it was a dark unsure place.  I had doubts and I had fears and I had hesitation.  It was suggested by the guys on a muscle and strength forum after my regular posts, that my weight cut must have yielded some progress.  A respected long time member suggested: "Man put up some shots."
I was horrified at the concept - you must be kidding right?  Yeah right put them up on a public site for the whole online community to laugh at yes that sounds good. Then the mindset that grew stronger much later began to shine a little light - What if? What if I have actually in fact changed? I mean the scales are telling me I have lost a heap of weight through dedication and discipline - what if?  

I stood in front of the mirror and took that shot and honestly thought at that moment -Nothing.
I compared it to the previous shot a few months earlier and I am telling you my entire life changed from that moment the day just changed.
I thought Holy Crap!  There is a difference, not a huge huge one but certainly a difference to write home about ... I posted the pics and even showed my face some guys will censor that out of whatever reason.

This is where life changed.  Many positive reactions, in fact surprisingly positive for a forum such as that if you jump into any muscle or gym related forum online you will see the ego and the disagreements the banter and the hate. 
A comment was left a week or so later by a member I had to look further into.
He called himself Brendan Meyers.
I looked at his profile he was brand new and he had posted some links to a YouTube Channel.
The one comment he left was most succinct he simply replied with one word:


That word has now become my catch phrase when I need to use it to others for boosting inspiration.
I looked him up and was humbled and shocked at who he actually was.  This YouTubegiant force. A beast from Florida that had ambition to make the league his physique is crazy.  The guy summarized the themes I have embraced in my heart DISCIPLINE DEDICATED MOTIVATED DETERMINED TO SUCCEED AND UNSTOPPABLE.  I could add a few more but my blogs are way too long as they stand perhaps I need to consider adding jump breaks in future.

I have communicated with him many times he is a source of powerful drive to me.
We do Not need any external motivation in life we should have it already, however when a champion comes into your life, unexpectedly and shines a light - Do Not disengage it - you remember the above story of youth YOU LOOK UP TO THAT PERSON AND ADMIRE THEM.
This is my personal thankyou to the beast who helped my journey.

What also inspires me is his character - character builds a man - You may have ALL THE TALENT in this world and the ability - but if you lack character you lack a true gift of strength.

I will add the ten month link that in turn thanks to Brendans heart and power I kept my beast motive and was able to put this up so far 990 views and high praise it is a public access site no log in needed: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/forum/threads/79938-10-months-of-sweat-and-nutrition-and-discipline 

I would love to add one of his videos and suggest you look him up and sub the guy puts out so much useful material on fitness he is truly a source of learning for all of us.  He has repeated many times that when people tell him how he became an inspiration for them and that he helped them change he gets the greatest satisfaction - I personally think more than his working out - it lifts his spirit and why wouldn't it?
it is the story of how everyone told him he could Never do it.   And instead of listening to them he followed his heart and that huge heart had a vision or rather two words:


I want to leave you with you all with one word and Brendan in particular:

Respect.  oh and champ I might add one of my own - Gratitude.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Never listen to the Naysayer - a Christmas morning Special

1:35am Christmas Day MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!
(I was enjoying my sleep but ever since I started doing my Gillian Ross Meditations of the Breath Heart Light and Chakras, I guess the Universe says No - something more important you are destined to do, you can miss a little bit for the good of yourself and others.  For now time stands still. Not a complaint.)

I just felt compelled or guided to write some thoughts on how every single person on this earth, regardless of race, religion, aspirations, appearance (body shape and the perception of beauty) status, and any person that has any sort of challenges they faced in the past, remember the golden flow - it takes the worst in life to bring out the best, is more than capable of reaching success and happiness in their lives - through embracing change, if they are aware the current mindset or attitudes, and or fears and limitations currently hold them back.

If you take a differing opinion against the disability statement I will tell you a quick story. I used to always not bother even considering owning a bike because I had this idiotic fear or worry what if I was out riding it and I had a puncture - I would have no idea or capacity to change a flat tyre - imagine if the bike was my transportation to my employer or something?  imagine if I was 10km away from my home?  You may or may not be aware that someone that empowers their mind and becomes stronger usually learns to let go of worries as trivial as this, and not only is that certain worry a prime example of the useless thoughts some of us endure - (not that one for all mind you) - but it reinforces the effect not only did it hinder me it held me back with a fear that subsequently prevented me from enjoying a possibility in life.
But I am starting to deviate from the original story the flat tyre and disability.  I was given a link to this crazy YouTube video of this man who rode for a charity pursuit, without the full arm capabilities we all take for granted, please watch it I will try and include the link, it will make you realise why I am now planning to buy myself a bike.

If you want to consider a different mindset and attitude, and open the door to the possibility that your current life is not dictated by the premise of fear and an attitude of it can never change I am stuck. Nothing will ever work out... I will never be truly happy.  My life is destined for a plain below average day to day agony or struggle pity party. Than I am happy to tell you that you have a correct assumption waiting to be acted upon, at any time, at any age, at any stage in your life.  It is never too late or too early.  I like the general theme Jim Morrison expressed in a song (I cannot remember the exact lyrics I am just generalising the theory) he said something along the lines of when you die your life gets replayed back over and over as some kind of movie reel and you are forced to watch it over and over, so you better have some good incidents happening in there!
That lyric struck me so powerfully many years ago because it dawned on me my movie would never be considered by Hollywood in fact no person in their right mind would even contemplate sitting down with a box of popcorn and a drink to bother watching it, in fact they would get up and walk out after a few minutes; and more than likely - demand the ticket refund in pure disgust!  And if I myself was forced to watch it over and over I have one word I would love to type, or emotion I would feel REGRET.

This is a certain time of the year when many people consider change.  In the New Year most people are encouraged (to me personally for unknown logic it is the most chaotic unstable time of the entire year) - to embrace the weight loss initiative or to quit smoking and become healthier - great right?  No not at all when you witness the amount of carcasses you see lying on that path to success, in fact so many it scares the rest considering it from trying, or the ones who have started to turn back. Carcasses that are being lovingly picked apart by haters called vultures and family and friends who hated the fact the person even wanted to consider trying something many of them were not capable of, and therefore tried to put them down and instead of encouraging the idea in fact was a driving force in helping it reach failure.
Why on earth did I just negative rant like that?  Because one thing you will face with certainty if you make the decision to consider change in life - you will always encounter resistance.
Yes some family and friends may encourage and support you - but be warned some others might actually hate the fact and resent it because since they feel inadequate of doing it themselves, they will want to try and stop you or it makes them feel stronger keeping you weaker. 
I loved the person who came up with HATERS stands for Having Anger Toward Everyone Reaching Success.  Do not listen to them for a second - remember the wisdom of Arnold Schwarzenegger (For a beast of body he actually has a more powerful mind)  He says if he had listened to everyone that told him he could not do things in life - he would be nowhere in fact said:

If I would have listened to the naysayers I would still be in the Austrian Alps Yodeling. I would never have come to America. I always listened to myself say "Yes you can."
Many people told him that he was not suitable for Hollywood, his physique was crazy to even consider it, and I believe many people from the very beginning attempted to drive into him into the mindset of or the limitations of you cannot and will not do this.

So if or when you consider change make sure you plan and commit and be smart wise motivated and strategic about it - if you apply discipline and effort and sustain your desire in the face of the times when your mind and body feels like quitting - you will succeed.
I say You Will - notice that - I did not say You Can.
enjoy the decision you have taken and embrace the challenge and at the end SAVIOUR THE REWARDS.

You may read this and say oh very well oh perfect child of the universe who never battled ANYTHING you who was lovingly born with an easy road?
okay I will list some things I have overcome and beaten - My Dad left when I was so young a boy it slowed my progress to speech for years, and I was raised by my single mother who relied on welfare and part time jobs, we scraped by on a budget most would never have known for all my life.  My childhood was full of bullying I was weak and vulnerable held back by fear and such a lack of self confidence, the education system sent me for classes on building self-esteem.  At 13 years of age my dear Mother was at a bar, and a stranger came up to her and said urgently YOUR SON IS IN TROUBLE QUICK COME WITH ME - and after she jumped in his car he took her to an isolated park raped her and very nearly killed her - he had the belt around her neck and told her he was going to listen as she died, but an inner voice told her to praise him and he relented on the death wish.
I had a major mental breakdown from the shock of that and was placed into an adolescent psychiatry ward at that tender age and put on a medication that was in later years banned - because it caused instant death heart failure in random people.  Lucky I am typing this to you all.
I went onto a path of drug use and crime and smoked and drank and then the mental health system again was able to harness the power to bring me to my knees... not the caring doctors and nurses I am talking about the underfunded and the system back then that said: You must withdraw from society, be held back by self doubt for the remainder of your days, you will enjoy the prospect of not having a decent source of employment - in fact we want you straight on the disability pension and so forth oh and the meds - we will lovingly zonk you so hard you will be unable to get out of bed until after lunchtime and not only that the med and lack of motivation will make you explode in body weight to over 94.4kg which was considered obese by BMI standards ... and you are destined to embrace a life of anxiety and fears until oneday it kills you.
Anyway I now get great displeasure from even expressing all of this it sounds like ego talking again so you get the general gist.
I believe I just perfectly illustrated the reason why we should never judge or make assumptions about anyone or try and judge them for what they do or the reasons they do it.
They say you do not know until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes the true reasons for the way they behave, or the manner in which the mind treats them, or they allow it to, the drugs they might do, the things they abuse, or the way they may project hurt anger and violence.
But I am happy to say I am now 38 years old (yes I do not look it I am told by many) and I have overcome every single challenge life threw at me - I say life threw at me - interesting - I now might say the life I created for myself because it is clearly true you draw much of your thoughts actions emotions desires and create the environment around you - if you plan success expect to draw so many great fantastic like minded people into your path - you will know what I am talking about - doors start to open things start to happen but when you remain negative and clouded by the illusion of never embracing change that old life is stuck on rewind over and over and over again.
and lastly the quote from Arnold and on this day you may be surrounded by some family or friends that will challenge this concept, I personally found this day many years ago a true challenge when some people in my life used to make me realise my lack of mental strength.
Have a wonderful day people of this beautiful universe Love and Light xx

If you enjoyed this blog please help promote it I am a recent blog writer I think this my third one so I would love to gain a little more exposure, at the moment I am finding this challenging. I sent some of my previous blogs to high profile fitness and mind people that promote it - and they did not even respond in most cases. If you are on Twitter (ColVanDerWoude) and you desire to follow me by all means please do and if you are on Google + with the same desire please by all means act upon it.


Tuesday, 23 December 2014

basic ego is ugly in fact it can destroy talent

It is almost Christmas I thought it would be a great chance to reflect on the past twelve months and what I have learned and grown from.  In fact I will share my most powerful realisation.
I have done some rapid progress made some changes improved myself, my mind, my body. My skills and my ability, also talent.  While this is all good a part of me grew unnoticed.  It was noticed by others but I failed to see it, or perhaps I was too drawn up in my own excitement and pride to consider it.  It became a fatal flaw that can turn something nice into something ugly.
It was ego or the fact I became so self absorbed and obsessed with what I had done I lost all focus on what is essential in life and relationships:  Remain humble.  Listen. Speak less.

I drove some good friends away.  It took a remarkable one during a phonecall today to hit me clean in the face with sledgehammer strength.  I adore her for this.  I used to take any criticism once upon an unenlightened time as a personal attack, and react with the defence mechanism to replace the feeling of - should I consider what this person says or does it hold any truth? Should I stand in their shoes and consider the point of view, or just dismiss it as a basic attack on me?

You gain much strength from change and when you gain self-confidence and pride you need to always keep the ego at bay. The ego only considers you.  If I called someone I did not even ask much about how they felt - what was their day like? What was happening in their lives all the things you must do to engage a vibrant healthy conversation. 
Rather than inspire someone if you bombard them with how well you are doing, and how great life is, how much you have done the last year - rather than feel admiration it can turn to disdain, and they will want to end the conversation rather than continue it.

In a good person is a true LISTENER
Some people might tell you all their problems, but rather than wanting you to solve them, in many cases all they want is to have your full attention, and for you to offer the gift of listening.
If you can offer suggestions at the right times when needed and if the solutions are positive and you believe they can help the other person - talk.
Until then or if it is not needed Do Not. Rather - Listen.
And learn to dismiss the judge in you - we are all different everyone is unique and everyone has a story and a reason for doing what they do and doing things they do... the sooner you can let go of trying to judge why or putting certain people into any form of confining category the better.

I always was aware of certain elements of the Ego but I thought visually, like the guy at the gym staring in the mirror doing dumbbell curls hoping or assuming the fitness females in the area actually enjoyed this - THIS IS ALWAYS UGLY - but I did not even consider ego is much deeper.
I thought ego was the personal trainer who is ripped and he knows it. And assumes he can have any female he desires. THAT IS ALSO UGLY.
But basic ego is deeper and much more complex.

You control what you think and what you draw into your life.
How you interact with people is critical.
If you exude confidence and charm most people are appreciative but if this is soured with an attitude or a lack of character - the bad starts to over compensate the good.
You can be charming and attractive perhaps cute or super sexy but this means NOTHING IN THE GRAND SCHEME.  If you lack true HEART AND COMPASSION AND CHARACTER... if you cannot make people relate to you and you always project your image onto them without considering yourself - think of it this way - the ugly factor or the things you hate in others - is what you hate most in yourself so you must become the best person possible, and learn to love yourself but remain humble and true to life, and then life and the universe will guide the energy you project.

You can change life at any moment if you are unhappy and think this is not possible you are mistaken. But if you embrace change make it the best possible change and become the best possible soul on this earth you can be.
Shine a light so bright and vivid that it reflects in the smiles of others.
Express gratitude for every day and every moment.
Use any challenge as the mindset of - how can I use this problem as a solution?
Instead of thinking of the past or dreading the future - focus on THE NOW.
Consider meditation and do everything to help nourish and give life to your body and mind.
read and learn and move and grow.

Too many people are stagnant, stuck in a part of the sad reality of - nothing can change. Everything is hopeless.  I can never beat any problem. Things are too big. Life is too hard.  I will never become someone, I will never experience true happiness... I can never reach any level of success.
And my anxiety controls me. The past defines me.  What happened yesterday will continue to cast a shadow on tomorrow.  I can never get that "thicker skin", I will always allow others to offend me, and I will be controlled by my emotions, they will use me until I am so crippled with my fears my body will fail and my mind as well.
I will always care about what anyone thinks and says about me. I will take any criticism whatsoever as a direct attack on me and possibly even stew on it for days weeks or months.

I am here to tell you ANYONE ON THIS PLANET - does NOT have to be confined by ANY OF THE ABOVE.

anyway, Merry Christmas and may 2015 be a year of growth and personal development for anyone that seeks to pursue it
because many will and many do and the universe wants it!
Lastly to any of you who took the time to read my thoughts one word: